Virgin London Marathon 2020 - postponed
Mark Richards, son-in-law of our trustee Tony Dunbar, has very kindly agreed to run on our behalf in the Virgin London Marathon 2020. Mark's main hobby is running which he does several times a week, normally 3km to 6km. He has taken part in around seven 10km and several 5km events locally, the Edinburgh Marathon and recently in a 24 hour team relay event where he completed four 8km laps. As part of a training programme for the 2020 London Marathon (top of Mark’s bucket list), Mark will take part in both the Reading and Wokingham half marathons.
If you would like to sponsor Mark in his quest for glory (remember Mark, pain is temporary, glory is forever!), please visit the Virgin Money Giving page at:
Berkshire Business Network

November 2019
Our thanks to Berkshire Business Network who donated £1000 to our funds, presented to our chair Rob and secretary Maureen by Dr Phillip Lee.
John Tipping
August 2019
We are saddened to announce that one of our founding members passed away in early July. John was a great character who rarely missed a group meeting. John had a starring role in the patient videos that we made for the benefit of future bladder cancer patients. He will be remembered for his cheerful nature, his wonderful stories and his warm smile. We are grateful to his family and friends who have donated over £900 in John's memory. We will miss him.
Caversham Rock Choir
July 2019
Our thanks go to the Caversham Rock Choir who raised and donated £605 by singing for their supper! Special thanks to choir director Lucy Hewes who arranged the event.
Wokingham Mayoral Charity Fund 2018
January 2019
We are immensely grateful to the Mayor and Lady Mayor of Wokingham for their tireless efforts during 2018 in support of the Reading Bladder Cancer Support Group. As a result of their fundraising, we have benefited by over £9,000!
Sikh Community, Wokingham
May 2018
Our thanks go to the local Sikh community who collected cash on our behalf during the Vaisakhi celebrations and raised £1200, we are very grateful for their donation. Here's a photo of our chairman Rob handing over the cheque to our treasurer, Ken.
Kevin Stranks
April 2018
Kevin's Dad is one of our members so Kevin put himself through many weeks of tough training to run the Reading Half Marathon which was subsequently cancelled due to snowy conditions. Kevin will honour his commitment to run at a later date and in the meantime, he has raised £1155 which with gift aid, totals some £1370. Thank you Kevin, we much appreciate your efforts.
Rebecca Margetts
Rebecca Margetts as pictured above in training for the Isle of Wight marathon. Rebecca kindly agreed to run on behalf of the Reading Bladder Cancer Support Group and raised a fantastic £2509.50! Well done to Rebecca and many thanks from the group.
Anne and Derek Brooker
August 2016
Many thanks to Anne and Derek for opening their garden to friends and neighbours. As a result they have raised £410 for our group.
Janet and her triathlon
July 2015
Total Raised £1,015.00 for the Reading Bladder Cancer Support Group. Many thanks Janet !
Mike Bowerman -"Back to the Trenches"
November 2014.
Mike raised £339.50 in this very arduous event. The group is extremely grateful for Mike's efforts.